Thursday, September 24, 2009

Links =By serverone

here is the list of the useful topic i used to complete the game.. thanks to these people..

stuck in story? check this quick walkthrough by "zidanet129"

need sidequest to increase guild fame? check this side quest list by "cyrusng"

problem about the final skills? check this final skill guide by "Phantasialove"

want to be a dark knight or shaman? check this dark knight and shaman guide by "xPoison"

cant read Japanese? check this unofficial English patch by "Judas5435"

basic tips about items and screen command by "vampickle"

cards list by "Sakuyachan"

how to duplicate items?
1. enter mirage tower.
2. equip your main character with the items you want to duplicate.
3. talk to the NPC at the north.
4. select 1st option (2 options).
5. select 1st option (3 options).
5. select 1st option (2 options) which leads to character menu.
6. remove the items you want to duplicate from your main character.
7. exit NPC using the "back" option (located at the lower right of the touch screen).
8. when you check your main character you will notice that you still have the items you remove from the NPC and a duplicate of it from your inventory..

how to gain 1 skill point from mirage tower?
1. enter mirage tower with 1 unused skill point.
2. use your 1 skill point inside mirage tower (your skill point must be "0").
3. remove all your equips because you have to commit suicide inside the mirage tower.
4. talk to the NPC at the north.
5. select 1st option (2 options).
6. select 1st option (3 options).
7. select 2nd option (2 options) and select the highest floor possible.
8. let the mobs kill you.
9. select 2nd option (2 options) to cancel event.
10. select right option (you will be ask if you want to save the game. answer "no".).
11. select left option (you will be ask if you want to exit without saving. answer "yes")
12. check your skill menu and you gained 1 skill point..

how to rebirth?
1. you have to be 2nd class character with 30 job level (1-2 ?/30).. (only main character can rebirth)
2. talk to the guild that changed you to a 2nd class.. (eg. if you are a knight go to knight guild)
3. you will become a novice AGAIN and an additional 20 stat points is added to you character stat menu..


MAIN: black smith
NPC1: shaman
NPC2: knight

=strong built=
-rebirth everytime you reach 1-2 job30 after unlocking the cave with munaks and sohee.
-use the cave with munaks and sohee for fast leveling.
-use cart revolution for AOE.
-use 2nd command for you knight to spam skills.
-let the shaman recovers your SP.
-if you think your stat is in good shape then choose the job that you desire and make it 99/99..

-after unlocking JUNO make a taekwon kid with job40 and do the sidequest 4-4 to obtain megjingard +40str[1].. the only slotted megjingard in game..
-after unlocking morroc dessert map find the tressure chest with critical ring[1] (i forgot ..=p).. the only slotted critical ring in game..
-solar god helm? just read the last part of the walkthrough..

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